
DISC and Workplace Conflict

Here is a question for you: Why do some people drive you mad at work?

Most of the time, we are so used to behaving in a certain way, thinking that our way is right. It then comes as a shock to discover that about 75% of your colleagues will not react to a problem the same way you will. Once you appreciate this reality, it becomes clearer why conflict, frustration, and annoyance are the frequent outcomes of business meetings.

Letting these outcomes go unaddressed can lead to major workplace problems. Having a plan for dealing with problems or, even better, preventing them in the first place can make your organisation a place where talented people want to be.

Using simple but highly effective science-based behavioural-profiling tools such as Discflow, for one, can help you understand people’s different behavioural styles and the ways in which these affect collaboration.

Conflict Prevention and Resolution

By understanding why people react the way they do to a situation, you can not only resolve conflicts more effectively but also prevent them in the first place.

Here is a simple three-step approach to prevent any potential conflict and thus improve workplace communications overall:

  1. First, openly understand your behaviour and the impact it can have on others.

  2. Next, keenly recognise the behaviours of those around you.

  3. Finally, consciously adapt your behaviour to connect better with people whose personalities differ from yours.

So the next time conflict rears its ugly head in your important work relationships, try doing these three steps and see what difference it can make for you and those around you.

Ultimately, knowing yourself and others gives you the power to decide how you want to behave and adapt your behaviour for a mutual benefit.

Aside from conflict prevention and resolution, DISC can also be used in the following areas:


Square pegs in round holes. Everyone is different—some personalities thrive in certain roles more than others.

Although there are no guarantees of success, DISC profiles can help ensure that whoever takes on a role is matched in a way that cooperates with his or her natural behaviour style.

Customer service staff, for example, can benefit greatly from understanding how to recognise, negotiate, and handle different customer personality types to reach a successful outcome.

Team Building

We have all heard the saying, “There is no ‘I’ in team.” Well, it turns out there is.

A team is made up of individuals, each with their own needs and motivations. Knowing—and addressing—the needs and motivations of team members can minimise conflict and reach higher performance levels quickly.

In an increasingly data-driven world, science-based behavioural-profiling tools like DISC Flow® are critical for allowing employers to better match and motivate people while helping them get to know more about themselves.

If you are looking for a tool to unlock the potential of your workforce, look no further. To find out more about Discflow and how it could benefit your organisation, get in touch via e-mail or telephone today.

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